James Winkler, Founder
Artist, actor, marketing, PR, sales, and design. James has been in the contracting, government construction, military, & the arts & entertainment world for over 25 years.
CAP Enterprises was originally founded as Creative Art Productions (CAP) offering both art and artisan services back in the late 90's. As serendipity would have it, our illustrious founder, James Winkler (AKA Jamie Winkler), found himself landing more and more acting parts. First with a local firm known as Central Casting and then New Dominion Pictures, etc. Initially it was a bit part here, an extra in a crowd scene there, but before long he was cast as the leading role in quite a few docudramas and reenactments. You can read more about it in his eBook How I Got into Movies available at Amazon. His talents are also in high demand as an artist, painter, illustrator, portrait and cartoon artist. You may have even seen some of his work as a wall mural artist in various restaurants and establishments of Washington DC.
Interested in learning more?
Committed to helping people invest in their dreams...
Jamie Winkler and company have also been featured in Forbes Magazine. Read all about it here. Or read it in Twitter
Our satisfied clientele include such highly acclaimed firms as: Mobil Oil, Children's Hospital, Williams and Connelly, The Kennedy Center, The Washington Redskins, and many more too numerous to list here.
What makes us different is that we bring world class quality and artistic talent to every project we work on. CAP Enterprises is owned and operated right here in the prestigious town of Alexandria, VA. but we are available worldwide.
So whether it's art (in its many and varied forms), construction, production, fabrication or installation, we can definitely help make it happen for you, but our passion is solving problems. There's something intensely satisfying about that.
Call anytime and make sure to leave a clear message stating the purpose of your call or email. We get a lot of calls so make your message stand out.

Jamie Winkler with co-starring actor Emmy Collins on the set of AMW.
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